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Toolkit Introduction

Optimising personalised care is a key component of the NHS Long Term Plan and has the potential to provide better outcomes for patients in addition to more effective and joined-up services. Therefore, it is important that patients are supported in making choices that reflect what they value most.1

This toolkit has been developed with support from UK healthcare professionals to explore how the treatment of NETs can be delivered efficiently within current guidelines and tailored to the needs of patients.

The toolkit provides examples of service models in different settings, and resources to help you to incorporate aspects of these pathways into your own service.


Click on the links below for an introduction to the toolbox, relevant guidelines and resources.


Toolkit Introduction

Introduction to NHS Oncology Policy

Nuclear Medicine Guidelines

NETs Clinical Guidelines


1. NHS. NHS Long Term Plan. 2019. Available at: (Accessed April 2020).
AAA-Lu177-UK-2232 | October 2023

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